Farm Standing for Ligue de Hockey Simulé du Saguenay

Update - 19 juin 2013 at 18:48

Staline (Mon) wins the playoff!

Round : 1 Round : 2 Round : 3 Round : 4
Influenza (Tor) - 4
Manchots (Pit) - 0

Saguenéens (Edm) - 3
Staline (Mon) - 4

Influenza (Tor) - 1
Staline (Mon) - 4

Thunder (Was) - 4
Machettes (Phi) - 3

Wolves (Min) - 4
Atomiques (Chi) - 3

Thunder (Was) - 1
Wolves (Min) - 4

Wolves (Min) - 0
Staline (Mon) - 4

Punishers (Bos) - 2
Staline (Mon) - 4

Carnivores (Nas) - 4
Sasquatch (STL) - 3

Carnivores (Nas) - 4
High Goats (Pho) - 0

Carnivores (Nas) - 3
Punishers (Bos) - 4

Spitfire (SJS) - 4
Princes (LAK) - 3

Punishers (Bos) - 4
Sewer Rats (Col) - 0

Spitfire (SJS) - 3
Punishers (Bos) - 4

High Goats (Pho) - 4
Icehogs (Har) - 3

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